6 different stories. 1 Dead world. New series premieres August 14.
Six New Stories. One Dead World. Tales of The Walking Dead New Series August 14
Features an all-star cast with Terry Crews (Brooklyn Nine-Nine), Olivia Munn (The Newsroom), Parker Posey (Scream), Jessie T. Usher (The Boys), Anthony Edwards (ER, Top Gun), Samantha Morton (The Walking Dead, Minority Report), Dani...
7.0 黑死病第一季
2018 欧美简介:十六世纪下半叶,塞维利亚是西方世界的大城市,是欧洲通往美洲的门户。这座城市的富饶,依靠的是国际贸易和金银财富,同时也归功于共同生活与此的海内外人口:基督徒、皈依基督教的犹太人、受过洗礼的摩尔人、奴隶、获得自由的奴隶、流浪汉、盗贼、妓女、贵族、平民。同时,不平等、饥荒和传染病构成了这座城市的阴暗面。 在一次黑死病的爆发中,塞维利亚社会中的几名杰出成员被杀。马特奥,一位被宗教法庭审判的罪犯,必须解决这一系列的凶案,才能得到宗教法庭的赦免,从而拯救自己的生命。这是一场孤掷一注的调查,面对的是一个极为复杂与矛盾的环境。在那里,公众压抑和私人享乐并存;神秘主义和混乱无序随处可见;修道院纪律涣散,妓院却法规森严;监狱俨然变为藏身之所,医院则成为葬身之地;背叛与忠诚交织涌动。 2019年11月已确定将推出第二季。 奖项:2017年圣塞巴斯蒂安电影节:官方选择 非竞赛展映单元 -
3.0 无人注目时
2025 欧美简介:When Nobody Sees Us is based on the Sergio Sarria novel of the same name. Set against the dramatic backdrop of the Spanish Holy Week celebrations, the series is a thriller led by two policewomen trying to solve a series of crimes in the Andalusian town of Morón de la Frontera, in the political and cultural region of Seville’s so-called ‘deep Spain,’ which is home to one of the biggest international U.S. military bases. Lucía Gutiérrez is a sergeant of the Spanish Civil Guard investigating the bizarre suicide of a neighbour and strange events that have taken place during the first Holy Week float processions. Magaly Castillo is a Special Agent of the Military Police of the United States Army sent to find out the whereabouts of a missing American soldier who seems to be linked to the shady business of Colonel Douglas Hoopen, head of the Air Force Base, and an underhanded marine, Lieutenant Andrew Taylor. They soon discover that the two investigations are connected. -
4.0 侦探人生 第四季
1.0 侦探人生第四季
9.0 惠镇珀尔侦探社第一季
2021 欧美简介:Acorn TV预定6集罪案新剧《惠镇珀尔侦探社》。 改编自Julie Wassmer的Whitstable Pearl Mysteries系列小说,本剧讲述了惠斯塔布当地善良的餐馆老板Pearl Nolan,年轻时曾接受过警察培训,但因为怀孕而放弃了自己梦想的职业,如今她成立了一家侦探社。在发现好友Vinnie的尸体后,她很快就卷入了自己的第一桩案件中。高级警督Mike McGuire刚调来小镇,以逃避自己在伦敦的过去,他与Pearl形成了意料之外的伙伴关系。随着第二具尸体的出现,Pearl发现这个自己称之为家的美丽小镇,有着阴暗的一面,而自己正被拉入其中。 挪威备受追捧的电影制作人Øystein Karlsen负责改编。Karlsen的编剧团队还包括《玛赛拉》的Mike Walden、《Malory Towers》的Rachel Flowerday,和《反击》的Alastair Galbraith。《浴血黑帮》导演David Caffrey为本剧领头导演,执导2集。 制作将于10月26号在英格兰海滨小镇惠斯塔布展开,2021年播出。 -
6.0 黑松镇第二季