讲述在明尼苏达州的如今,「Mighty Ducks」已经由一支弱旅变成极具竞争力的冰上曲棍球队,但当12岁的Evan(Brady Noon饰)被队伍无情踢走后,他和母亲Alex(Lauren Graham饰)决定组建一支在其他人眼中认为是弱渣的新队伍。
1.0 SAS:叛逆勇士第二季
7.0 纽约重案组第八季
2.0 纽约重案组第七季
2.0 纽约重案组第六季
4.0 纽约重案组第四季
1996 欧美简介:In the fourth season of this award-winning show, the action at New York City's 15th Precinct is as hectic as ever. While Lieutenant Fancy continues as precinct commander, Detective Andy Sipowicz, although still a bit rough around the edges, has mellowed with the birth of his son. Detective Bobby Simone and Detective Diane Russell take the next step in their relationship, James ... -
2.0 纽约重案组第三季
1995 欧美简介:At the beginning of the season Sylvia becomes pregnant with Andy's child. A baby boy, Theo, is born towards the end of the season. This is contrasted with the fate that awaits Sipowicz's older son, Andy Jr., who announces that he is to join the police force. Andy is finally bonding with his estranged son when he is gunned down, which leads the elder Sipowicz to fall off the wag...