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在一间专门照护绝症青年的临终关怀医疗机构里,八名病人每逢午夜聚在一起分享故事,并约好无论谁先离开,都要从另一个世界传递讯息给未亡者。《午夜故事社》改编自克里斯托弗·派克 (Christopher Pike) 的1994年同名小说和其他作品。
全新 Netflix 恐怖剧集《午夜故事社》为《鬼入侵》和《午夜弥撒》制作人迈克·弗拉纳根最新力作,将于10月7日推出。
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2022 美国简介:It's the second semester of Junior year, and Gossip Girl is leaving no stone unturned in her effort to control the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite. She's learned a thing or two from her first go-round - namely what her audience wants, they shall get. It's time for her to turn the heat up on what's been simmering. Old enemies, new allies, constantly shifting sands - this s... -
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