《处女情缘》Gina Rodrigue领衔的ABC新单镜头喜剧试映集《老娘还没死》(Not Dead Yet)获得正式预订,将作为2022-23播出季新剧开播。
这个项目改编自Alexandra Potter于2020年出版的书籍,Gina将饰演一名如今破产、恢复单身、感觉自己老了的女子“Nell Stevens”,尽管她认为自己的生活是场灾难,但仍然想要重新开始自己十年前留下的生活与事业。搬回帕萨迪那的她,发现这里每个人都比她拥有更好的生活(在孩子、事业、婚姻等方面),而自己却只能与一个常常监视公寓用电量并且就她的回收习惯进行纠缠的陌生人合租公寓。
Nell本是一名成功的记者,为了帮助当时的未婚夫餐厅开业而搁置了事业- -如今重回文字事业的她,被迫接受了目前唯一能得到的工作,那就是写讣告。看起来这像是人生的又一层倒退,却或许帮助Nell理清了继续前...
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2021 美国简介:Colton Donavan lives on that razor-thin edge toward out of control. Whether it's on the track or off of it, everything he wants is at his fingertips: success, willing women, media attention. Everything that is, but Rylee. She's the exception this reckless bad boy can't seem to win over. Her heart is healing. His soul is damaged. They both know the two of them could never work. ... -
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