故事发生在一间位于多伦多市中心的便利店内,经营店铺的是金氏夫妇,他们在80年代移民来到了多伦多,依靠着不懈的努力在这里站稳了脚跟,生儿育女传宗接代。金家的儿子脾气非常火爆,在16岁那一年,儿子阿君和父亲之间爆发了一场剧烈的争吵,最终两人谈崩了,儿子选择了离家出走,再也不和父亲有任何的交际,但是他和母亲以及妹妹之间的关系却还算良好。 妹妹珍妮特目前是一名大学生,正在一家艺术大学里学习摄影课程,希望以后能够成为一名摄影师。妈妈和妹妹都希望阿君和父亲能够重修旧好,但这显然是一条充满了荆棘的漫长道路。
8.0 一家之父
10.0 爱在世界尽头
2021 海外简介:在NASA 证实陨石将在7 天内撞击地球,并引发一连串灾难之后,每对恋人心中最重要的事,迅速起了质变,恐慌也随之而来…本片讲述4对恋人在生活中相爱、痛苦、失去、浪漫、原谅。 An erotic suspense BL series exploring the lives of four couples as they navigate through love, pain, loss, romance, forgiveness, redemption, loneliness and sorrow. After reports from NASA confirm that an asteroid is set to hit Earth in 7 days resulting in global catastrophe, priorities quick... -
5.0 名利游戏
8.0 重返15岁2022
2022 海外简介:Follows Anita's self-discovery and maturity journey. At 15, the young played by Maisa, had a great expectation of adult life: leave the tiny town Imperatriz, travel to many places and get to know a lot of people. But at 30, her life is nothing like that. With few friends, living in a renovated apartment and with no signal of love, Anita returned to her birth town for her sister... -
7.0 当男人恋爱时2022
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