Following the tragic death of his wife, Jon struggles with feelings of guilt when he starts an affair with the enigmatic Red. As he comes closer and closer to Red in a psychologically probing and mutually abusive relationship, Jon begins to question what exactly happened the night his wife killed herself. With the Stutter, a haunting echo seemingly everywhere around him blurrin...
6.0 不及格之换爱行不行
8.0 准备
1.0 终极囚禁
2010 剧情简介:美国德州一所高中,以布莱德利(贾斯廷·阿诺德 Justin Arnold 饰)为首的一众男女学生风生水起,横行霸道,经常以欺负人为乐趣。印度裔学生莱比(Vincent Silochan 饰)、瘦小的戴恩(马克·多纳托 Marc Donato 饰)和有些内向自闭的女孩艾米莉(林德赛·西德尔 Lindsay Seidel 饰)等人更是他们优先欺负的对象。学校的状况已然如此,与亲人的关系又分外冷淡和紧张,戴恩他们的生活看不到一点儿希望。 8个月前,戴恩的叔叔去世,留给他一座偌大的农场作遗产。饱受欺负且试图自杀的他找到和自己同病相怜的几个人,他们决定把学校的小霸王们请到举行派对,在劲歌热舞之中展开准备已久的血腥复仇…… -
3.0 求人
3.0 战争之后
8.0 战国奇缘