Chosen Family sees Ann, a yoga teacher trying to find inner peace despite the fact her family is man...
10.0 灵幻先生
9.0 三对鸳鸯一张床
1988 喜剧简介:陈学章(张学友 饰)和黄小丽(钟楚红 饰)是一对同居多年的情侣,两人之间感情虽然十分稳定,但却也从未动过谈婚论嫁的念头,只是将日子这样一天天的过着。某日,陈学章的好友阿牛(卢冠廷 饰)将女儿小雪托付给陈学章,希望他能够帮忙照顾一阵子,就这样,陈学章和黄小丽的二人世界中多了一个“第三者”。 刚开始,从未有过照顾孩子的经验的两人难免手忙脚乱,但随着时间的推移,渐渐得心应手的他们和小雪之间产生了真挚的情谊。当阿牛将小雪接走之后,陈学章和黄小丽都感到怅然若失。这种感觉让黄小丽产生了结婚的念头,但这种念头对于陈学章来说还为时尚早。面对一味逃避躲懒的陈学章,心灰意冷的黄小丽选择了离开。 -
7.0 亚利桑那
8.0 厨娘杀手
10.0 怪人:阿尔·杨科维克的故事
5.0 美国大屠杀
2022 喜剧简介:After a governor issues an executive order to arrest the children of undocumented immigrants, the newly detained youth are offered an opportunity to have their charges dropped by volunteering to provide care to the elderly. Once inside the eldercare facility, the volunteers discover the governor and the facility’s supervisor have cooked up a horrifyingly depraved conspiracy tha...