After the death of their friend, a group of eccentric young adults are whisked away to a villa on the outskirts of London, but a mysterious entity seems to have followed them to their luxurious getaway.
5.0 折磨1986
8.0 世界奇妙物语 25周年秋季特别篇 电影导演篇
2015 恐怖简介:《箱子》某医大研究人员吉野朔子(竹内结子 饰)工作时突然被人击打头部,当她醒来时发现自己被关在密闭的金属箱子中。朔子百般求救,试图逃脱这个可怕的空间;《带来幸福的眼镜》唯唯诺诺的单身上班族村上凉太(妻夫木聪 饰)偶然收到一款智能眼镜,在眼镜的帮助下,他和美丽的女性三浦步 (山本美月 饰)展开交往;《凶宅》由希子(中谷美纪 饰)带着女儿朱里搬入新居,但是这里似乎住着可怕的怨灵;《×》融资课课长初野(阿部隆史 饰)意外发现额头出现一个×,但是周围的人却根本看不见,这是否预示某种不好的事件呢?《谎言诞生的日子》在一个完全没有谎言的世界,青年正太郎(满岛真之介 饰)正遭遇人生的困顿时刻。当被逼到极点时,他突然说了世界上第一句谎话,他和两个小伙伴开启了一段神奇之旅。 -
9.0 FPS
3.0 月光光心慌慌4
6.0 月光光心慌慌
10.0 在某人受伤害之前
2018 恐怖简介:Tim and his team are the rising stars of the ghost hunting game. One thing they all like better than a good haunt is a great prank. When the team arrives at a new investigation, they cannot figure if the occurrences are part of some elaborate master prank or if the house is actually haunted. Unfortunately, they don't find the answer until it is far too late.