Couple Rara and Sutan who are ready to start a new life after their honeymoon. Rara inherited a large tea plantation in Central Java belonging to William Saunder, her father, a Dutch man who really loved Indonesia.
8.0 黑暗 死亡 可怕
1.0 租房惊魂2022
2.0 黑暗的反射
2024 恐怖简介: Several young couples travel to a private island for a mysterious training retreat that promises to strengthen their relationship. However, during the Retreat, the heroes encounter an ancient demon - a Succubus. This monster feeds on the life energy of people, taking on someone else's appearance and provoking victims to show the worst qualities and do terrible things. -
1.0 保姆惊魂夜
8.0 嗜血派对
2.0 十三号星期五:终结篇
1984 恐怖简介:上一集的大屠杀之后,杰森和十个年轻人的尸体被警方收敛,然而在医院中,杰森再次醒来,将夜班医护杀死,不知所踪……保罗、莎拉(Barbara Howard 饰)等六个年轻人租下了林中的木屋度假,木屋旁边住着汤米、丽丝姐弟以及他们的母亲一家。保罗等人到水晶湖中戏水,全然不知这里曾经上演的血腥故事。汤米和丽丝因汽车抛锚结识了自称是猎熊人的青年罗布(Erich Anderson 饰),罗布拜访汤米一家后在森林中安营,夜幕降临时,莎拉等人和新认识的姑娘在屋中狂欢,再次归来的杰森如常开始了夜色中的猎杀。汤米和丽丝发现母亲失踪,四处寻找时再次遇见罗布,原来罗布的妹妹被杰森所害,他特意在湖区驻扎,寻找向杰森复仇的机会……