Bergerac will be based on the original series created by Robert Banks Stewart, which starred John Nettles and ran for nine series on the BBC between 1981 and 1991. The modern re-imagining will honour the iconic detective drama, but with a contemporary twist, as Bergerac thrown into a knotty, high-stakes police investigation and challenged to his very core. He will be forced to confront his demons, while trying to save his family and career. Unlike the original hit from the 80s, the new series will see one character-led murder mystery run across all six episodes, in place of a new storyline each episode.
4.0 楼梯悬案
2004 欧美简介: Netflix根据真人真事出品的犯罪纪录片,根据2001年轰动全美的小说家杀妻奇案这一真实案件拍摄。MTC评分92,IMDb评分8.2,烂番茄新鲜度88%。2001年犯罪小说家MichaelPeterson的妻子Kathleen被发现死在家中的楼梯下。当时,Michael看到状况后立即报警。但警方发现Kathleen的死伤并不是摔到楼梯下的伤,而当时Michael又是唯一一个在家的人。另外检察官还发现,在20年前,Peterson参加过一个家族朋友的葬礼,她的死因和Kathleen一样,也是死在楼梯的底部。于是MichaelPeterson被指控是杀害Kathleen的凶手。“小说家杀妻”的案件轰动一时。2003年MichaelPeterson被定罪为是谋杀妻子的真凶。但这个审判备受争议。后来,MichaelPeterson杀妻案重审,线索越来越复杂。检察官发现MichaelPeterson其实是双性恋。他们曾想把这个点列为杀人动机的可能性之一,但他们没有找到更多线索。而Michael也宣称他的妻子知道自己是双性恋。于是这个杀人动机不了了之。直到至今很多人都不确定,MichaelPeterson到底和他妻子死亡的案件有没有关系。 -
7.0 心跳漏一拍
4.0 豺狼之吻
3.0 网络断舍离
10.0 一秒变总统第二季
5.0 印航814 坎大哈之劫