Vacation turns disaster when Houston grad, Kyle and her friends escape a plane crash in the desolate Louisiana everglades, only to discover there's something way more dangerous lurking in the shallows.
9.0 身段
2023 剧情简介: Andrea Absolonová was a talented Czech professional diver with a bright career ahead of her. However, her sports career had been cut short by a spinal injury during a training session at the Atlanta Olympic Games. She then embraced a professional career in the adult entertainment industry, where she became an internationally recognized porn actress. She died at the age of 27. -
2.0 狙魔女杰:复仇
8.0 消失的女儿
2024 剧情简介: 在某个城市中,发生了少女失踪的事件。母亲沙织里想尽一切办法寻找女儿美羽,但三个月过去了,还是杳无音讯。只有唯一一位持续采访的当地电视台记者·砂田能够依赖。在女儿失踪时,沙织里正在看她喜欢的爱豆的演唱会。由于这件事以及她棕色挑染的发型,她遭受了网暴。网络上出现了诸如“沉迷演唱会而放弃育儿的母亲”这样的诽谤性言论,这使沙织里感到越来越焦躁。另一方面,砂田根据电视台上层的意向,为了获得收视率,要进行引发社会对沙织里以及沙织里的弟弟·圭吾的兴趣的采访指示。随着时间的推移,她也开始感觉到和丈夫之间的关系逐渐冷淡,夫妻之间的争吵也愈发频繁。尽管如此,沙织里还是继续执着地抱着“只想见到女儿”的信念。最终,纱织里和他的丈夫也未能找到孩子,尽管如此他们还是抱着这个希望持续着自己的生活,同时,也发挥自己的力量帮助更多有相似经历的家庭。 -
1.0 神奇旅行社
8.0 超完美明星
2022 剧情简介:Ya Nina / Lucky Girl is a realistic drama based on true stories. It is featuring a sudden change of life of successful TV star Nina after the cancer diagnosis and loss of her arm. The storyline takes the main character from the highest peak of her beautiful life to the darkest place one can possibly find oneself. Nina discovers a whole new world for her, the world she doesn’t a... -
3.0 金玉满堂之一网不捞鱼