Deep within the hidden chambers of an ancient Egyptian pyramid, a shocking discovery is made: the mummified remains of an alien shark. Guarding this creature is a vengeful mystic who brings the beast back to life, unleashing it upon a group of unsuspecting researchers.
1.0 超魔鬼毁灭者
1996 动作简介:A cop (Roberts) tries to bust a gang of teenage gun dealers. In the process he catches only one and tries to charge him with a number of offences but fails since the gang member is underage. One by one the youth's friends start turning up dead. It is up to Dylan (Roberts), and his partner to save the youth from the same fate as the rest of his gang. -
5.0 超时空圣战
1.0 鬼手神枪
10.0 圣堂
10.0 第一诫2008
2008 动作简介:刑警李国强击毙了杀人魔王陈福来,自己也身中数枪生命垂尾。他在医院休养了四十九天,但刚刚出院就告知职位已被调至杂物科,只因为他的证词里有一些科学无法解释的灵异现象。来到杂物科的李国强遇见了黄警督,这个微胖又酗酒的中年人告诉他,和别的部门不同,杂物科专门处理那些所谓的“灵异事件”,但若想在这里生存下去,就必须坚定一个信念,那就是第一诫:“这个世上没有鬼!”可是这个世上却真的是有鬼的,连月来发生的数起诡异的自杀案件引起了李国强的注意。通过调查,他发现这是陈福来的魂魄杀心不改,他可以通过触碰附在任何人的身上,然后操纵他们的身体为所欲为。为了制伏凶手,李SIR和黄SIR强强联手,展开了一场惊心动魄的大追击。然而就在此时,李国强却渐渐的分不清楚,一直都在鼎力帮助自己的黄警督,他到底是敌是友。 -
2.0 谍网雄风