利奥 (Leo) 和亚历杭德拉 (Alejandra) 试图配制一种突破性的精华液来帮助他们的亲人,同时与威胁和推动他们野心的个人恶魔作斗争。
6.0 救夫越狱记
5.0 血猎者之吸血女王
2017 剧情简介:百年前,因为一个流传许久的传说,吸血鬼与狼人的孩子将会杀死吸血鬼先祖,拉德小镇便遭到了吸血鬼先祖的血洗,混血男孩梵卓在父母的拼死保护下顺利逃亡,吸血鬼先祖也遭到封印。百年后,温泉小镇发生长老失踪事件,作为血猎者的梵卓收到镇长邀请来到小镇调查长老案件,在路上救下了同是血猎者的女子西丽,梵卓惊讶发现西丽竟与自己母亲长的一般无二,两人结伴开始调查案件,一幕幕线索显示一切都是吸血鬼的阴谋,镇长死亡,西丽与梵卓被捕,吸血鬼们为了解救吸血鬼先祖而滥杀无辜,杜雅为救梵卓而死,昔日的恋人西丽也与梵卓成为敌对,最终梵卓与西丽大战一场,忍痛杀死了西丽并将西丽埋葬后离开,却不知他的他的身后一双眼睛正在盯着他.... -
5.0 病毒2018
2018 剧情简介:Known for his edgy and surreal visual storytelling, Greek experienced filmmaker Angelos Frantzis has directed five feature films. Keeping the elements of contemporary fantasy that characterize his work, Frantzis delivers "Still River", his most approachable work to date. A Greek couple, Anna (Katia Goulioni) and Petros (Andreas Konstantinou), have recently moved to a small indu... -
9.0 线索
2016 剧情简介:A fantasy thriller, where one face merges into the next. The thread that connects the worlds of the two protagonists, Niki and Lefteris, is memory, violence and a polemic of hope. A 'solo' performance in many respects by The Boy (director, writer, art director, composer) and his actress Sofia Kokkali, Nima challenges the values of contemporary society, with a unique cinematic a... -
8.0 秘密2015
7.0 魔鬼特训营