2.0 乔乔的异想世界国语
9.0 低俗小说国语
1994 剧情简介:《低俗小说》由“文森特和马沙的妻子”、“金表”、“邦妮的处境”三个故事以及影片首尾的序幕和尾声五个部分组成。看似独立的小故事里面,却又有环环相扣的人和事。 盗贼“小南瓜”和“小兔子”在早餐店里打劫,却遇上了天大的麻烦——黑社会成员朱尔斯(塞缪尔?杰克逊Samuel L. Jackson饰)和文森特(约翰?特拉沃尔塔John Travolta饰)在店内用餐,可谓天外有天。二人是否会放过两名小盗贼? 而文森特是黑社会大哥马沙?华莱士(文?瑞姆斯Ving Rhames饰)的手下,马沙下命令让他陪妻子一个晚上,明知如有雷池必死无疑,但面对马沙妻子美艳诱惑,文森特该怎么办。 文森特的故事还没完,拳击手布奇(布鲁斯?威利斯Bruce Willis饰)的出现将令他的人生从此改变。布奇有一块祖传金表,就是因为这块金表,他和马沙分享了一个耻辱的秘密。 故事环状结构,回... -
1.0 香水秘密
2011 剧情简介:Grasse located in the South of France is, without a doubt, the center of the art of perfume making. Fragonard and Molinard are headquartered here, as well as providers of raw material for the international perfume industry. Even though doing business with the breathtaking flowers of Provence has become difficult, there are still families that make a living cultivating flowers. ... -
10.0 野拍裸少年
2018 剧情简介:Self Destructive Boys is a direct stare into masculine interaction as we follow three boys in their mid-twenties, António, Xavier and Miguel testing the limits of their sexual flexibility. This film is built on an edge: the ambiguity of human relationships. Boys will always be boys. -
8.0 雨燕的坠落
3.0 长年巨石
2022 剧情简介:Crushed by a messy unrequited love, a young queer poet, through the confidence of their best friend and the truth of their art, finally reckons with their own emotional baggage (or, 'boulder'). The film oscillates between 16mm narrative compositions of everyday life and Super 8 montages which imagine the world of their poetry.