Leila George stars, alongside her mother Greta Scacchi, as a young woman so determined to save her drug-addicted brother that she locks him in a room to get clean.
9.0 启动
9.0 可可农场
2023 剧情简介:Max, a 12-year-old entrepreneur is forced to close his business operated from his garage and move with his father to a remote village in the countryside. When Max discovers chickens in the old, abandoned barn of his cousin Charles, he sees an opportunity to start a business. The two acolytes join forces with Alice, a young YouTuber known for her market gardening videos, and emb... -
5.0 嫌疑人X的献身2012
2012 剧情简介:影片改编自日本推理作家东野圭吾的代表作《嫌疑人X的献身》,原名《完美的爱情》,后仍改为和原著接近的《嫌疑人X》。 沉默寡言的天才数学家金石固(柳承范 饰)每天唯一的乐趣,便是去固定的便当店买午餐,只为看一眼在便当店做事的邻居白花善(李瑶媛 饰)。花善与外甥女允儿相依为命,过 着平静的生活,可是有一个总来找麻烦的前夫金哲民。终于有一天,花善因不堪忍受虐待,最终手刃了前来纠缠的前夫。石固察觉花善出于自卫而杀人的事实后,主动提出由他料理善后,为此这桩犯罪设计完美的不在场的证明,保证让花善和允儿不受到牵连。负责查办此案的郑警官(赵镇雄 饰)是石固的好友对花善的凶手身份确认不疑,虽然没有确凿证据,却依然执著地展开调查。 到底石固使用了怎样的隐藏手法?最终他会为爱献身吗? -
2.0 厕所女神
8.0 百年情书
7.0 好斗之人2022