Ready to leave his profession behind, Loreno, an assassin, lends help to an old friend, Cetan, and taking one last job in Thailand seeking out a local kingpin. A judgment lapse violently crosses paths with an old colleague Paul.
6.0 我的老婆是大佬2
2003 动作简介:叱咤黑道的大佬车恩珍(申恩庆 饰)在一场意外中头部受伤,失去了曾经的所有记忆,包括自己的身份。中餐馆老板杰超(朴俊奎 饰)发现了流落在街头的车恩珍,善良的他收留了这个一无所有的女子。就这样,曾经的黑道大佬,如今成为了在餐馆里送外卖的送餐小妹。 很快,车恩珍就发现了自己身上不同寻常的地方,对刀具过于熟练的使用让车恩珍开始怀疑起自己的真实身份。与此同时,因为车恩珍的存在,餐厅里的生意日渐火爆,她和杰超之间也日久生情。某天在送外卖的时候,车恩珍遇到了一帮劫匪正在抢银行,正义感的趋势之下,车恩珍出手制服了劫匪,因此而获得了“勇敢市民奖”。车恩珍的出名让她的仇家发现了她并没有死的事实。 -
4.0 刺客信条:血系
10.0 刺客信条:余烬
2011 动作简介:In the year 1524, the former Assassin Ezio Auditore retired to a villa in the countryside of Tuscany, with his wife Sofia and children Marcello and Flavia. While Ezio wrote in his study, Sofia asked him to watch Flavia while she and Marcello visit his sister Claudia. Shortly after, he left his study to tend their vineyards while Flavia played nearby the villa. In the midst of h... -
4.0 刺客信条:权势
2010 动作简介:育碧今日(2010年11月3日,暂时没有imdb编号)早些公布了由Workshop制作的动画短片《刺客信条:权势(Assassin's Creed Ascendance)》的预告片,该作将于11月16日与《刺客信条:兄弟会》同步登陆XBLA和PSN,售价1.99美元或160微软点数。 《刺客信条:权势》背景时间设定在《刺客信条2》和《刺客信条:兄弟会》之间,Ceasare Borgia用武力统治了罗马甚至是整个意大利,通过血腥镇压、暴政等等使人民感到恐惧。Ezio Auditore将牢记Ceasare Borgia通过残酷的手段(投毒、暗杀)到达统治的目的。从此展开一系列的故事。 -
3.0 碟中谍
1.0 碟中谍2