After losing everything, Ferry retired for a life below the radar, far away from Brabant. On the surface, he seems to be doing well, surrounded by superficial contacts. But deep down, his inner voice haunts him, preventing true happiness. Ferry's past is filled with violence, lies, and a trail of betrayal. He battles with his conscience while trying to keep a low profile. Why would our tough yet charming drug lord come out of retirement for one last trick..?
10.0 王牌特工:源起
10.0 复仇铁拳
4.0 诱捕正义
1.0 爆火线
10.0 喋血宣德
2010 动作简介:初富家子刘一清,不学无术,最终输光家业,弄至家破人亡。穷途末路之时,巧遇皇上,阴差阳错下被带进宫。刘一清虽胸无点墨,但“忽悠”、“急才”了得,在规矩繁琐的宫中,总出差错的他,靠此绝学蒙混过去,且被封为“无品督陶官”。上任途中惊险百出,刘一清明白到,自己已经步一个虎穴龙潭。所谓兵来将挡,水来土掩,不管是商会会长韩一彪,甚至乎昔日好友曾卓凡如何刁难、暗算、陷害,刘一清都凭着灵活多变的急才应对,并查出一个巨大的犯罪集团,最终除去幕后黑手太监王振。刘一清领悟到,官场阴谋诡诈,并不好玩,一直以来,自己其实是皇帝部署的一颗棋子,人贵自知,适可而止,刘一清留下官印挂官而去了,过其逍遥快活的日子。 -
5.0 夺命枪王