2.0 生土
4.0 民间憋宝传说
8.0 顶级拉拉队
2023 剧情简介: Making the team should be Riley’s dream. But as she struggles to keep up, she slides into anxiety and compulsive behaviour to withstand the pressure. With a phenomenal central performance from Reservation Dogs’ Devery Jacobs, D.W. Waterson’s punchy film shows that cheerleading is more than Bring It On – this is a blood, sweat and tears quest for athletic perfection. -
9.0 再无可失
1997 剧情简介:任职于广告公司的尼克(蒂姆?罗宾斯 Tim Robbins 饰)深爱自己的妻子,时常为工作拖累而不能陪伴妻子感到内疚,这天客户取消了约会使尼克可以提前回家,然而他看到的却是妻子正和自己的上司偷情,万念俱灰的尼克一言不发开车离家,劫匪泰伦斯(马丁?劳伦斯 Martin Lawrence 饰)半路冲上了尼克的车打劫,可身材矮小的泰伦斯根本无法唬住狂暴状态的尼克,尼克驾车一路狂奔,将泰伦斯带到了亚利桑那。身无分文的两人很快开始为钱担忧,在泰伦斯的示范下,尼克很快也学起了行劫,并且计划偷窃上司的巨额现金。初出茅庐的尼克二人组被拥有当地“犯罪专属权”的另一对儿匪徒痛打,侥幸逃脱后尼克与泰伦斯开始执行盗窃计划,而他们的犯罪行为很快遭遇了一系列变故…… -
5.0 再无可失
2023 剧情简介:The story follows in the wake of Sylvie who lives in Brest with her two children, Sofiane and Jean-Jacques, whom she’s raising on her own. Together, they’re a joyous family who pull together in the face of adversity. Sylvie works late into the evening while her children stay home alone. One evening, there’s an accident, and Sofiane is removed from Sylvie’s care. The mother must... -
3.0 PLAY!~输赢怎样都行~