Billed as an allegory about America’s fractured politics and culture, the film follows Simon, an up-and-coming commentator whose world is turned upside down when his best friend and debate opponent suffers a fatal heart attack. Simon refuses to leave the spotlight at an annual thought-leader summit, leading to an obsession with his new opponent and a growing rift with his ailin...
3.0 灿烂光辉
5.0 等爱(2020)
8.0 狄仁杰之异虫谜案
1.0 姑获鸟
10.0 暗夜迷踪
2020 剧情简介:雨夜,警方接到报警,思羽心理咨询机构咨询师楚夏被人胁持,刑警队长陈哲和记者付嫣然赶到现场。陈哲进入咨询室与乌亮对峙,乌亮说想和警察玩一场游戏,他已经绑架了本市某企业家女儿小燕,并要在六天之后将其杀死,同时他透露齐羽还活着的可能,乌亮随即自杀。原来,在警方到来之前,乌亮和楚夏谈话中透露出他曾在多年间绑架并囚禁六名女性,其中就包括楚夏七年前失踪的妻子齐羽。通过楚夏对于乌亮可能患有肺病绝症的判断,警方很快在医院找到了乌亮的身份资料,并找到他在废弃水泥厂的住所、乌亮母亲叶文秀家和瞎眼奶奶的老宅。深夜,楚夏在老宅救出了妻子齐羽,而其他失踪女性却还未找到。真相层层被揭开后,结果会大大出人意料! -
8.0 赌途