9.0 兽径
2020 剧情简介:高山上的森林一隅,幾名非法移工準備搬運盜伐的木頭下山。另一端,員警埋伏整日,百無聊賴地等待著。一場意外使得雙方有了交會,在夜色逐漸籠罩的森林裡,他們瞥見了彼此生存的蹤跡……。 Several illegal migrant workers carry the felled logs through a small winding trail. An accident happens when the police try to arrest them. The night coming, the injured worker, ?oàn, has a strange interaction with the man who wants to find him. They catch a glimpse of each other's traces o... -
2.0 球体
9.0 第二个问题:你是谁?
7.0 卡拉克
2023 剧情简介: Problematic father figures and a pill-pushing doctor lead a Danish man into darkness in Isabella Eklof's powerful drama echoing with colonial conflict. Jan is on the run from himself and his traumas after being sexually abused by his father. Now he lives with his family in Nuuk, Greenland, where he works as a nurse and does his best to assimilate into the local community. However, his past catches up with him through a letter from his now dying father, plunging him into a downward spiral of drugs and extramarital affairs. Emil Johnsen is captivating in the lead role, portraying Jan as both boyishly fragile and deeply unsettling. Haunted by his own father figure he's reflecting Denmark's paternalistic relationship with Greenland and its population. Isabella Eklof follows up her acclaimed debut (Holiday, GFF 2018) with a courageous exploration of human darkness, based on Kim Leine's autobiography, solidifying her position as one of our most exciting Nordic directors. 源自:https://program.goteborgfilmfestival.se/en/program/kalak -
6.0 山羊生活
5.0 你的微笑