《The Actor》剧情简介
《The Actor》相关视频
3.0 反贪风暴2国语
9.0 罪恶煞星
1991 动作简介:It is an action film directed and stared by Wayne Crawford. Two Los Angeles cops, an aging slob (Wayne Crawford) and his cocky young partner (Martin Hewitt), are suspended from duty after inciting an incident at a chop shop. The two decide to track down the owner (James Hong), and follow him all the way to a Hong Kong crime ring. 这是一部由韦恩·克劳福德自导自演的动作片。讲述了两名警员在进行一项普通的日常调查时,卷入一个庞大... -
9.0 罪恶煞星国语
1991 动作简介:It is an action film directed and stared by Wayne Crawford. Two Los Angeles cops, an aging slob (Wayne Crawford) and his cocky young partner (Martin Hewitt), are suspended from duty after inciting an incident at a chop shop. The two decide to track down the owner (James Hong), and follow him all the way to a Hong Kong crime ring. 这是一部由韦恩·克劳福德自导自演的动作片。讲述了两名警员在进行一项普通的日常调查时,卷入一个庞大... -
6.0 纵横天下
1993 动作简介:仇云波这次扮演的是个国际刑警,与同为警察的大岛由加利是一对情人,二人携手同心,冲锋陷阵,令犯罪分子闻风丧胆。威龙在片中不仅嫉恶如仇,正气凛然,而且温柔体贴,深情款款,与他白马王子般的外表非常契合。由于香港的犯罪组织偷盗了一颗小型核弹,卖给了在美国的恐怖组织,使得举世震惊,恐怖分子便派遣杀手到港杀人灭口。大岛由加利和助手黄子扬奉命保护疑犯李子雄,不慎失手,眼睁睁看着杀手得逞后消遁而去。威龙奉命出马,只身到美国缉捕真凶,同时协助当地的女刑警罗芙洛调查核弹下落。经过一番波折,他们找到了线索,二人与同伴冲入敌穴,英勇搏斗,在激战中击毙了杀手,并最终将恐怖组织头目逮捕。@m.yakutv.cc -
3.0 007无暇赴死
10.0 追命枪