比约恩·迪梅尔(汤姆·希林 饰)是一名顶尖律师,却意外成为杀人犯。他试图通过正念研讨会来更好地平衡工作与生活,花更多时间陪伴女儿,并希望挽救自己的婚姻。研讨会确实达到了预期的效果,尽管效果与他想象的有出入。他将新学到的正念技巧直接应用到他的客户德拉甘·塞戈维奇(残忍粗心的黑手党老大,由萨沙·吉尔萨克饰演)的身上,结果让警方以及整个黑帮家族都对他展开追捕。尽管情况紧张,比约恩却能保持冷静,并彻底重组自己的生活。如果现在需要几起谋杀来解决他的问题,那么这也只是他全新正念生活的自然结果。
8.0 一家之父
10.0 爱在世界尽头
2021 海外简介:在NASA 证实陨石将在7 天内撞击地球,并引发一连串灾难之后,每对恋人心中最重要的事,迅速起了质变,恐慌也随之而来…本片讲述4对恋人在生活中相爱、痛苦、失去、浪漫、原谅。 An erotic suspense BL series exploring the lives of four couples as they navigate through love, pain, loss, romance, forgiveness, redemption, loneliness and sorrow. After reports from NASA confirm that an asteroid is set to hit Earth in 7 days resulting in global catastrophe, priorities quick... -
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2022 海外简介:Follows Anita's self-discovery and maturity journey. At 15, the young played by Maisa, had a great expectation of adult life: leave the tiny town Imperatriz, travel to many places and get to know a lot of people. But at 30, her life is nothing like that. With few friends, living in a renovated apartment and with no signal of love, Anita returned to her birth town for her sister... -
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