Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped out by Manticore, the powerful enemy syndicate that manipulates the world from the shadows. Since then, Diana Cavalieri (who is an undercover Citadel agent) is alone, trapped behind enemy lines as a mole in Manticore. When Diana finally sees a way out and the chance to disappear fore...
6.0 探案拍档 第二季
2021 欧美简介:Set in picturesque Bath, the series pairs feisty DCI McDonald, who has recently transferred from London’s Met Police, with the unassuming DS Dodds, who has been happily in the background for most of his working life. To McDonald’s surprise they form an unexpectedly effective crime solving partnership. -
10.0 保利娜
2024 欧美简介:Paulinefollowstheeponymousprotagonist,an18-year-oldwhoaccidentallybecomespregnant–fromaone-nightstand.Withschoolstress,theclimatecrisisandthedownfallofsocietyweighingheavilyonhermind,somethingshedoesn’tneedatallrightnowiscatchingfeelings,especiallynotforherone-nightstandLukas,who,asitturnsout,isthedevilhimself. -
6.0 绿箭侠 第六季
4.0 无丁之地 第一季
1.0 最后通牒:南非篇
2.0 探案拍档 第一季