Musical retro romance.
Claudia Koval came to Leningrad from Poland with one goal - to get as much knowledge, so it is with the head immersed in their studies. Its motto - "You can not feel sorry for yourself." But fate has prepared her a very different future - it is destined to become a famous singer. About this glory is a dream, because it will know not only in the USSR but a...
10.0 梅森探案集 第二季
2023 欧美简介:《梅森探案集》第二季由《尼克病院》主创JackAmiel和MichaelBegler担任新的剧集运作人和编剧。故事发生在Dodson审判数月后,Perry(MatthewRhys饰)搬离了农场,抛弃了运奶卡车,他甚至用自己的皮夹克换了套笔挺的西装。这是大萧条时期最糟糕的一年,Perry和Della(JulietRylance饰)让公司走上了一条更稳妥的道路,专注处理民事案件,而不是刑事案件所带来的混乱工作。不幸的是,Paul(ChrisChalk饰)在遗嘱和合同方面没有太多的工作,所以他独自出去打拼了。洛杉矶市发生了一起容易侦破的案件,而Perry对正义的追求,表明并非所有事都像看上去的那样一目了然。 -
10.0 良医 第六季
7.0 间谍兔洞 第一季
3.0 远大前程
2.0 犯罪现场清理员 第二季
1.0 继承之战 第四季