一代电影巨匠藤堂俊之介悄然离世,他生前曾拍过三部未公开的短片。如今这些短片保存在遗孀良枝(井口恭子 饰)的手中,据说短片中藏着一个重要的秘密,可是良枝和家人却始终未能解开谜团。为此,藤堂家请来了号称能够解开世界上所有谜题的橘子酱夫人(川口春奈 饰)及其助手葡萄醋夫人(高畑淳子 饰)。所有相关人等到齐,三部短片正式放映。《旋风》讲述了女学生佐智子对小镇医生的爱慕和与好友之间的情感碰撞;《镜子》讲述了青年买到一面古董镜子,不久神秘女子(中越典子 饰)出现在镜中;《山童》讲述了曾经发愿百度参拜(御百度を踏む)的小女孩,迄今她的脚步声仍回荡在空无一人的山中。
1.0 无名之日
3.0 接线员
2015 剧情简介:When the daughter of veteran 911 call center operator Pamela (Mischa Barton), and her estranged husband Jeremy (Luke Goss), a Senior Police Officer, is kidnapped and held hostage, they are left desperate, with no choice but to follow the kidnapper's rules: send messages through dispatch for all police and fire units to scatter to remote locations throughout the city where they ... -
7.0 戏人生
6.0 少年故事
2016 剧情简介:A fable about a monster created by grown-ups who didn’t pay attention Yeong-hoon is a 13-year-old boy who leaves his house not being able to stand his father’s abuse anymore. He has no place to go so he takes the subway to Oido and there he meets Hyeon-soo, a orphan the same age as him. Hyeon-soo has already been to the Detention Center for Teenagers and his rough actions cause... -
4.0 微笑。泪
9.0 天降神机