《美国体育故事》还未命名的第一季由Stu Zicherman (《美国谍梦》)创作,改编自播客《Gladiator: Aaron Hernandez and Football Inc 》。故事聚焦NFL巨星Aaron Hernandez的兴衰历程,探讨他的身份、家庭、事业、自杀之间的关联,以及它们在体育和美国文化中的影响。
8.0 爱情不设限
9.0 老头子第二季
7.0 如何孤独终老
3.0 老头子 第二季
5.0 非洲伟大文明
2017 欧美简介: 突破孤立隔绝、僵化不变的史学成见,Henry Louis Gates Jr.博士讲述从人类诞生到二十世纪,二十万年来非洲的文明进化。 In his six-hour 3 part series, Africa's Great Civilizations, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. takes a new look at the history of Africa, from the birth of humankind to the dawn of the 20th century. This is a breathtaking and personal journey through two hundred thousand years of history, from the origins, on the African continent, of art, writing and civilization itself, through the millennia in which Africa and Africans shaped not only shaped their own rich civilizations, but also the wider world. -
4.0 零号病人