在 1995 年,艾丝拉发现了一张她在 20 世纪 40 年代拍摄的婴儿照片,于是决定回到 40 年代去寻找她的母亲和家人。尽管艾哈迈德警告她不要篡改时间,但艾丝拉和艾哈迈德还是来到了 1941 年。艾丝拉立即开始寻找母亲,而艾哈迈德意识到他们制造了时间裂缝。此外,哈立德发现了时间旅行,并从 1919 年来到 1941 年,一心想要寻找他对艾丝拉的爱。他的再次出现将会带来更多的混乱。
8.0 重返15岁2022
2022 海外简介:Follows Anita's self-discovery and maturity journey. At 15, the young played by Maisa, had a great expectation of adult life: leave the tiny town Imperatriz, travel to many places and get to know a lot of people. But at 30, her life is nothing like that. With few friends, living in a renovated apartment and with no signal of love, Anita returned to her birth town for her sister... -
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