本剧根据玛丽亚·杜埃尼亚斯的同名畅销小说改编而来。天真烂漫的裁缝姑娘在结婚前夕,和未婚夫走向一家打字机专卖店,一推开门廊,她早已确定的命运即被彻底改变:一笔巨额财产和从未谋面的父亲,都从天而降!整个地中海沿岸成了她的舞台:政治、谍战、阴谋、冒险…… 这些原本与她毫不相干的东西,一时间都与她呼吸相闻。
9.0 牧师神探 第五季
9.0 牧师神探 第四季
2019 欧美简介:Episode 401 : Sidney Chambers attends a talk by the Reverend Nathaniel Todd, a key part of the Civil Rights movement in America. During the event, protestors disrupt Todd's speech and release fireworks, causing the audience to panic and leading to a crush as dozens of people try to escape through a locked door. In the chaos, a man is stabbed and killed by an unseen assailant. T... -
1.0 布朗神父 第九季
4.0 家裂 第三季
5.0 家裂 第二季
8.0 家裂 第一季