《我的天才女友 第一季》剧情简介
故事发生在位于意大利那不勒斯的一个贫穷而又破败的社区之中,莉拉(卢多维卡·纳斯蒂 Ludovica Nasti 饰)和爱莲娜(艾丽莎·德尔·杰尼奥 Elisa del Genio 饰)从小就生活在那里。莉拉出生在一个专制的家庭之中,父亲是一名鞋匠。虽然莉拉在班级里是公认的天才少女,但是在父亲的坚持之下,莉拉最终放弃了学业,在鞋店里成为了帮工。
《我的天才女友 第一季》相关视频
6.0 实习医生格蕾第十八季
9.0 博斯:传承
7.0 法律与秩序第二十一季
5.0 罪恶黑名单第九季
3.0 失控第二季
2021 美国简介:Colton Donavan lives on that razor-thin edge toward out of control. Whether it's on the track or off of it, everything he wants is at his fingertips: success, willing women, media attention. Everything that is, but Rylee. She's the exception this reckless bad boy can't seem to win over. Her heart is healing. His soul is damaged. They both know the two of them could never work. ... -
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