A nerdy teenage girl pretends to be her beautiful, fake twin sister from California in order to become the most popular girl in high school, but when things don’t go exactly as planned she learns that being yourself is more important.
2.0 夜森林
2021 剧情简介:Thomas, the father of 12-year-old Paul, has disappeared without a trace for a year now. When the boy and his best friend Max spend the summer holidays on the Swabian Alb, the two try to investigate the disappearance of Paul's father. To do this, they want to find a legendary cave that Thomas studied. But his notes have to be deciphered first. They also have to deal with wild an... -
2.0 德布西森林
5.0 小森林
7.0 小森林2018
8.0 奇幻森林
2016 剧情简介:茂密的原始森林中,生活着人类小孩毛克利(尼尔·塞西 Neel Sethi 饰)。因某种原因他很小就成为了孤儿,黑豹巴希拉(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley 配音)最先找到了他,并将毛克利托付给狼族的首领阿克拉。从此以后,毛克利以狼的身份在森林里成长起来,和他的兄弟姐妹们学习捕猎和求生技巧。然而并非所有动物都接受毛克利的存在,特别是曾被人类伤害的老虎谢利·可汗(伊德里斯·艾尔巴 Idris Elba 配音),更将男孩视为眼中钉肉中刺。谢利·可汗向狼族发出威胁,众狼们不得不为族群的命运做出考量。毛克利不希望“家人”为难,他选择离开狼群,而唯一陪伴他的巴希拉则希望带着男孩回归人类世界。 即便如此,谢利·可汗也绝不肯善罢甘休,他对男孩展开了无休止的追杀…… -
2.0 年轻的战士