《副本 第一季》剧情简介
改编自理查德·K·摩根所著的经典赛博朋克风格黑色小说,以 300 多年后的未来为背景,讲述了一个集合谋杀、爱、性和背叛的精彩故事。彼时社会已被一种新技术改变:意识可被数字化、人的身体可以互换、死亡不再是永恒的。武科瓦奇所在的精英星际战士队伍在反对世界新秩序的起义中败北,他成为了其中唯一幸存的士兵。武科瓦奇的大脑在寒冰中封存了数个世纪,直到后来超长寿富豪劳伦斯·班克罗夫特为他提供了一次重生的机会。作为交换,武科瓦奇必须调查一桩谋杀案,解开班克罗夫特本人被杀的谜团。
《副本 第一季》相关视频
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1997 欧美简介: If not for C.C. walking in on them, Maxwell and Fran would have done it in the hospital bed next to Niles. After the fact, Fran is encouraged that finally something is happening between them. Maxwell on the other hand is still uncertain, and gets some glib advice from Niles to preoccupy Fran with some meaningless project, like redecorating a room, to give him more time to figure out what to do. Fran sees right through what Maxwell's doing. Sylvia sees Maxwell's ploy as letting Fran into his life and his home, especially as the room in question is the sanctuary: the kitchen. Fran initially wants to do all the work herself, much like Maxwell's first wife, Sarah, did with the house, but Sylvia convinces Fran to enlist the help of Fran's flamboyant decorator cousin, Sheila. -
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1998 欧美简介: On Fran and Maxwell's honeymoon aboard the yacht, Fran falls overboard and Maxwell jumps in to rescue her. They manage to make it to a deserted island. There, they have some good times and bad times in their survival, but the worst ends up being a poisonous bite that Maxwell receives. He thinks he's going to die, but luckily for him, Fran watched daytime television in the past which gave her the necessary skills to tend to his illness. Meanwhile, they are noticed missing when the yacht docked at its first port without them. The Sheffield kids, Sylvia and Niles fear the worst. After a week of the Coast Guard not being able to locate any sign of Fran and Maxwell dead or alive, C.C. decides to take matters into her own hands. -
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