故事发生在宋仁宗时代. 一天, 仁宗狩猎遇见八姐, 并深深爱上她, 遂派亲弟宋贤王往杨家说亲. 贤王与八姐曾有一面之缘, 互相吸引. 八姐心系贤王, 拒嫁仁宗. 仁宗误以为贤王从中作梗, 横刀夺爱; 便向八姐迫婚. 八姐宁死不从, 被仁宗收监候刑. 另边厢, 外族入侵宋境, 宋兵不敌, 仁宗只好命兵将世家出身的八姐领军杀敌, 贤王从之. 二人凯旋, 岂料仁宗听信谣言, 以为二人在军中行为不轨, 因爱成恨, 拒纳他们回国. 八…
7.0 波兰蜜月
7.0 最后的愿望
2.0 网战
2021 剧情简介:A small town cop has settled into a peaceful existence. He is reunited with a good friend from Canada’s security agency and told to be on the lookout for Russians that have disappeared in his County. The Russians are a group of cyber-terrorists that have infiltrated and are attempting to disrupt the Canadian election. Colt Hanson – with the help of his small force of peace offi... -
2.0 自然界的媒人
9.0 素素
4.0 秘密故事集