高中生阿武和F1偷电动车,卖给一帮不良少年兼职赚钱。一天,转学到阿武学校的绫香加入了他们,三人决定一起偷电动车。 当他们像往常一样试图偷一辆停在荒废公寓里的轻便电动车时,却被一个蒙面女人发现,她似乎就是车主。 阿武和他的朋友们急忙骑着摩托车逃跑,但他们很快就被一个女人追上了,这个女人的奔跑能力让人觉得她几乎没有人性。 这个戴面具的女人就是传说中能在6秒内跑完100米的"裂口女"!他们的命运将会如何? 裂口女的真实身份又是谁?
6.0 女猎手
3.0 暗影之面
3.0 森林恶魔
2023 恐怖简介:Lucas and Mathias, 8-year-old sons of lumberjacks in the Vosges forest, are the best of friends. One day, while driving his car, Lucas' father fatally collides with Mathias, who is cycling down the mountain. Sitting in the back of the car, Lucas watches helplessly as his father throws his friend's lifeless body into the ravine. One look is all it takes for him to realize that h... -
5.0 恐惧之壳
6.0 嫁给杂种
8.0 给你来点血浆