高级警司李Sir因欠下卡数四十万,被传媒大事报导,使他被公众评论,更被警察内部调查。大律师Brian加入李Sir的警队当辅警,并为李Sir不公平对待作出追讨。李Sir下属Benz、Jean Paul、公子、辉、珊亦因欠债问题不时受到骚扰。李Sir与Brian想组织地下部 队对付贵利集团,部署一连串行动.使贵利龙疲于奔命,一场警匪大战,一触即发……
8.0 我爱厨房
3.0 战友的救赎
4.0 犬吠
6.0 谈途人生
2024 剧情简介:Billed as an allegory about America’s fractured politics and culture, the film follows Simon, an up-and-coming commentator whose world is turned upside down when his best friend and debate opponent suffers a fatal heart attack. Simon refuses to leave the spotlight at an annual thought-leader summit, leading to an obsession with his new opponent and a growing rift with his ailin... -
5.0 世界奇妙物语 2024 冬季特别篇
2.0 世界奇妙物语2024冬季特别篇