

已完结 / / 剧情片 /印度 / 2023


In Nikhil Nagesh Bhat’s relentless martial arts thriller, a passenger train bound for New Delhi becomes a bloody battleground of brutal close-quarters combat as a pair of commandos square off against a 40-strong army of invading bandits.


  • 拥抱大白熊 7.0 拥抱大白熊
    2004 剧情
    简介:在冰原上出生的的北極熊小時候是很脆弱的,小北極熊不斷跟媽媽學習生存的技巧,到了兩歲那一年,媽媽就會離開他們,讓他們獨立生活。小熊看著媽媽離開的樣子讓人覺得心疼,但這也是物種生存的智慧吧!   趙大軍的爸爸媽媽離婚了,美麗的媽媽是空中小姐,只能偶而在飛行的空檔來看他。爸爸工作很忙,只有住在家裡的胖表姊怡芬可以照顧他。   怡芬的媽媽為了貼補家用,幫人在家裡帶孩子,一邊還要包水餃外賣。她很高興怡芬可以住到妹妹家,一方面減輕家裡的負擔,一方面還可以賺點零用錢。大家都沒想到青春期的怡芬和九歲的大軍是如何的互相嫌惡。   大軍討厭怡芬管他,怡芬討厭大軍跳到自己身上…兩個缺少父母關愛的孩子都極力想擺脫對方。   爸爸媽媽沒辦法應付大軍每天在家裡和學校出的狀況,決定要送他出國唸書。大軍不願意離開家,假裝被綁架了,他發簡訊要媽媽來找他,但是媽媽忙著試結婚禮服,沒時間接電話。大軍一個...
  • 寻找鲸鱼的自行车 1.0 寻找鲸鱼的自行车
    2011 剧情
  • 无名之日 1.0 无名之日
    2017 剧情
    简介:The retired Chief superintendent Jakob Franck who often had to inform relatives as a "death messenger", now hopes to lead a life beyond the dead.
  • 接线员 3.0 接线员
    2015 剧情
    简介:When the daughter of veteran 911 call center operator Pamela (Mischa Barton), and her estranged husband Jeremy (Luke Goss), a Senior Police Officer, is kidnapped and held hostage, they are left desperate, with no choice but to follow the kidnapper's rules: send messages through dispatch for all police and fire units to scatter to remote locations throughout the city where they ...
  • 戏人生 7.0 戏人生
    2018 剧情
  • 少年故事 6.0 少年故事
    2016 剧情
    简介:A fable about a monster created by grown-ups who didn’t pay attention   Yeong-hoon is a 13-year-old boy who leaves his house not being able to stand his father’s abuse anymore. He has no place to go so he takes the subway to Oido and there he meets Hyeon-soo, a orphan the same age as him. Hyeon-soo has already been to the Detention Center for Teenagers and his rough actions cause...


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