Nikola? was abandoned at birth and has been in foster care ever since. Although a family would like to give the sixteen-year-old boy a home, he decides to make one himself. He meets Camille, an intriguing fifteen-year-old wiseacre, and tries to convince her to make a child together. Nikola? is convinced that he can handle any problem and wants to avoid at all costs that an adult thwarts his plans. Camille and Nikola? flee together from the home and isolate themselves in the woods. In the heart of this gloomy, mysterious forest, Nikola? will have to face his first feelings and learn to become a man. Soon, he feels that there are many things he cannot control.
8.0 极道追踪
6.0 柳湖新颂
1.0 欢乐合唱团
2.0 吉祥如意
3.0 刘明珠
1964 剧情简介:辅业亲王朱厚燔党同伐异,偕夺兵权。罪证为潮州总兵刘光辰所掌握。刘欲上京面圣,弹劾奸王,不幸被朱之心腹、新任东南都督陈文华杀害于枫树坡。刘光辰之女刘明珠得知其父壮志未酬,受奸所害,决心继父遗志,上京面君。刘明珠历尽艰难险阻,来到枫树坡,在何氏妈妈相助之下,到刘光辰墓地祭奠。巧遇海瑞暗察回归,即诉冤情。海瑞为斥奸臣,带刘明珠至府中,待朝圣君,海瑞在朝圣中揭露了刘光辰一案,穆宗皇帝碍于皇叔朱厚燔辅助基业之绩,在众卿诡言之下,无法辩清真伪,求请老太后主决。太后为保皇权,竟出丑策,一面密谕海瑞到天津天查勘刘光辰一案;一面由穆宗下旨召海瑞在5天内挑选能女为太后寿庆穿制百宝珠衣,欲挟海瑞放弃奏劾朱厚燔。海瑞在夫人的协助下,亲赴天津卫,由海瑞夫人和刘明珠假扮穿珠女进宫穿珠衣。朱得知其中情由,又设毒计,企图火烧珠衣,致海瑞误延交衣日期之罪。幸得侍女迎风透露,海瑞夫人与刘明珠偕衣逃走,将珠衣提前交与太后。朱厚燔谎报珠衣烧毁,要治海瑞欺君之罪。刘明珠怒揭朱的阴谋,又逢海瑞详察回宫,当堂出示朱的罪证。穆宗始知朱的面目,但太后因朱系皇亲国戚,不便处刑,便赐刘明珠玉如意一支,要其回。刘明珠接过玉意,悲愤交集,当堂怒惩朱贼,终于使家恨国仇得以昭雪。 -
7.0 惊天魔盗团2