Nikola? was abandoned at birth and has been in foster care ever since. Although a family would like to give the sixteen-year-old boy a home, he decides to make one himself. He meets Camille, an intriguing fifteen-year-old wiseacre, and tries to convince her to make a child together. Nikola? is convinced that he can handle any problem and wants to avoid at all costs that an adult thwarts his plans. Camille and Nikola? flee together from the home and isolate themselves in the woods. In the heart of this gloomy, mysterious forest, Nikola? will have to face his first feelings and learn to become a man. Soon, he feels that there are many things he cannot control.
8.0 诺尔
3.0 千禧年代大事件:悲剧
3.0 乞力马扎罗的雪
1952 剧情简介:在非洲最高峰——乞力马扎罗山,白雪皑皑中有一具豹的尸体,它在寻找什么? Harry(格利高里·派克 Gregory Peck 饰)是一位作家,现今带着叔叔的这个谜语在乞力马扎罗山下养伤,身边有新婚妻子Helen(苏珊·海沃德 Susan Hayward 饰)悉心照顾。Harry被病痛折磨着整日陷入幻觉,回忆起自己的一生。 当初年轻的他一心要成为作家,他的叔叔告诉他作家要有坚韧的毅力,还要经历坚信漫长的岁月。而Harry刚与新婚不久的妻子Cynthia(艾娃·加德纳 Ava Gardner 饰)定居巴黎,年少不安定的他并没有安守于家,四处外出找寻写作见闻,深爱他的Cynthia连流产都没有告诉他,以免他自责。当他知道真相后反而对Cynthia横加指责,Cynthia伤心离去。失去Cynthia的Harry结识了Countess Liz——上流社会的女公... -
3.0 领养1975
6.0 初恋无悔
3.0 凡间天使