Basel, Switzerland's third most populous city, boasts the highest concentration of museums and the oldest public art collection in the world. Each year in June, the city also plays host to the largest and most influential art fair in the world. The documentary ART BASEL: A PORTRAIT offers viewers a glimpse of the city, the attendees and the art of the famous fair while tracing ...
2.0 29 1粤语
2017 剧情简介:《291》改编自彭秀慧执导的香港大热同名舞台剧,主要讲述即将进入三十岁的两位女性,在面对大部分同龄女性都会面对的困扰时,选择了截然不同的人生态度一个是即将踏入三十岁的林若君,面对压力升级的工作挑战、双亲病重、仿如鸡肋的爱情关系......突然来袭的这些不安,令她感到前所未有的恐惧。另一个同样是即将迎来三十岁的黄天乐,却永远乐天知命,不为生活所困扰,身患癌症却坚持环游世界,寻找爱情,甚至从未因为微胖身型错过美食。她们互不认识,性格各异,因缘际会林若君却搬进了黄天乐的家,没想到二人竟是同年同月同日出生,林若君通过黄天乐的日记阅读着对方人生点滴,两个女子在空气中互相融合,观照,影响……到底是谁闯进了谁的世界? -
5.0 昨昔
7.0 走向新中国
6.0 自我救赎
3.0 追凶者也
8.0 勿忘初心