六年前,梁森(梁家辉 饰)告别心伤爱人梅伊(梅艳芳 饰),来到后方参加地下党,梅则按照吴先生(曾江 饰)的安排成为夜总会歌女。 1941年,太平洋战争爆发,世界局势动荡不安。梁森和革命同志重返上海公共租界,当晚便目睹五个日本和尚惨遭杀害的景象,而幕后指使者竟是日本人白川(国村隼 饰)。梁尾随白川来至夜总会,两人发生搏斗,白川被杀,梁也多处负伤。养伤之际,梁森重逢爱人梅伊,旧情不断,难以割舍。 白川之死激化租界内的矛盾,76局特务头子铁泽民(徐少强 饰)对地下党进行无情捕杀……
8.0 梦
8.0 三重法则RuleofThirds
5.0 你想去哪里?
2023 剧情简介:Do-gyeong jumped in to save his student Jiyong from drowning. After the two pass away, Myeongji, Do-gyeong's wife, and Jieun, Jiyong's sister, are left alone in the world, having to cope with the loss of their loved ones. Myeongji travels to Warsaw, Poland, to avoid her harsh reality. She meets an old friend and hides her husband's death as if trying to reject the tragedy. -
8.0 地平线2024
6.0 祭品2024
5.0 云边有个小卖部