年近三十的法拉(艾曼纽·斯高顿 Emmanuel Schotté 饰)是一名警察,至今仍和母亲同住的他有着一颗异常单纯而敏感的心,在他的心里住着一个名叫朵蜜诺(赛芙琳·卡尼尔 Séverine Caneele 饰)的女孩,可是这个女孩却是自己最好的朋友的女朋友,这让法拉感到既痛苦又沮丧。其实朵蜜诺对老实可靠的法拉也心生好感,可她离不开男友带给自己的肉体上的快感,在愧疚中她只能一次次的用余光向法拉发出求救的信号。
6.0 2037
4.0 F20
2.0 “滚出来,凶手”之骷髅案
1.0 记忆的时间
7.0 漫长的一天
2021 剧情简介:When novelist Hyun-soo moves to a new place, he is suddenly visited by a strange woman who says that she used to live there. Hyun-soo and Jeong-yoon discuss a movie Jeong-yoon plans to make, but this results in them breaking up and say their goodbyes. A stranger named Yoon-joo tells Hyun-soo a secret about his dead wife So-young, and he decides to go explore her past. Novelist ... -
4.0 你永远比那些家伙年轻