故事发生在民国初年,汪子倩(秦海璐 饰)、汪子吟(刘涛 饰)和汪子樱(涂黎曼 饰)是大学士汪文谦的三个女儿。汪家有难,汪文谦将三个女孩托付给了管家,并在三人身上各放了一块玉佩的一部分,作为相认的信物。之后,汪家被满门抄斩,从此再不存在于这世间。汪子倩改名为林雪莲,嫁入豪门,丈夫死后继承了大笔遗产。汪子吟化名黄梅儿,被黄梅戏班的邓清风夫妇收养。汪子樱是如今的巧菊,跟着大太太来到了吴家,并且爱上了吴家的大少爷吴雨声(冯绍峰 饰)。 刘剑雄(程思寒 饰)是前清总兵刘镇邦的儿子,而刘镇邦则正是害得汪家家破人亡的罪魁祸首。刘剑雄看上了黄梅儿的美貌,想要将其霸占,遭到拒绝后恼羞成怒,不惜陷害汪子倩,只为报复。
2.0 末班轮渡
2019 剧情简介:For Joseph, a young lawyer from Manhattan, his first excursion to Fire Island is far from what he had in mind. Looking for a good time, he finds the infamous island on its off-season, with nary a hot guy in sight. Things start to look up when he meets a handsome stranger, but Joseph’s luck goes from bad to worse when his furtive lover drugs and robs him. Drifting into unconscio... -
9.0 旱季
10.0 期末考
1.0 少年斗志
2019 剧情简介:Students of two schools in Thiruvananthapuram that cater to different economical classes are in a tussle. While one set struggles for survival, the other is busy finding joy in drugs. The two groups keep finding reasons to mess with each other. Will they find the purpose of their lives amid the chaos? -
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