10.0 我们曾经想要的
2020 剧情简介:Alice and Niklas are happy, they lack nothing - but a child. After several failed invitros, they go on a holiday to Sardinia to leave their wish for a child behind. Right there, however, everything they tried to repress resurfaces. A cheerful Tyrolean family moves directly into the neighboring house and seems to have everything that Alice and Niklas lack in life. An unforeseen ... -
7.0 光2017
6.0 倾听2020
2020 剧情简介:In the outskirts of London, Portuguese couple and parents of three, Bela and Jota, struggle to make ends meet. When a misunderstanding arises at school with their deaf daughter, the British social services grow concerned for the safety of their children. LISTEN portrays the tireless battle of these immigrant parents against the law to keep their family together. -
6.0 三打白骨精
2.0 理查三世2016
4.0 亨利四世:第二部分
2012 剧情简介:BBC2历史电视电影系列《空王冠》(The Hollow Crown)4部经典莎士比亚作品的新演绎,分别是:《理查二世》(Richard II)、《亨利四世:第一部》(Henry IV, Part 1)、《亨利四世:第二部》(Henry IV, Part 2)和《亨利五 世》(Henry V)。在2012年伦敦奥运会期间,为了向全世界展现英国文化,这四部电视电影将作为伦敦文化奥运的重点推荐剧目向全世界推行,在2012年6月播出。 夺取理查二世权势的亨利四世,将由奥斯卡影帝杰瑞米·艾恩斯 Jeremy Irons饰演,将由《丑闻纪事》的导演理查德·艾尔掌镜,在《复仇者联盟》中雷神弟弟“洛基”汤姆·希德勒斯顿 Tom Hiddleston将饰演Prince Hal,西蒙·拉塞尔·比尔 Simon Russell Beale饰演约翰·福斯塔夫爵士,艾伦·阿...