美国副总统带着女儿凯瑟琳·透纳(夏洛特·凯特·福克斯 饰)来到日本进行国事访问,在父亲工作期间,凯瑟琳打算在日本好好游玩一番。日本外务大臣滨口幸夫(里见浩太朗 饰)和副总统关系友好,他担任了凯瑟琳的护卫工作,并将其接受给自己的外甥京洛大学准教授滨口一郎(谷原章介 饰)。凯瑟琳在美国曾结识了名叫小川麻衣子(笛木优子 饰)的女孩,她想联系对方却始终没有回音,之后更发现麻衣子死于一起杀人事件。为了追查真相,果敢率性的女孩在一郎的帮助下展开了调查……
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10.0 男孩遇见男孩
2021 剧情简介:Harry has been partying for 48 hours when he meets Johannes on the dance floor of a club in Berlin. With 15 hours until his flight home, Johannes offers to help him print his boarding pass. This mundane task leads to a day together wandering the city. The contrasts in their lives and values force each one to confront their own truths. Boys Meet Boys is a feature length mumbleco... -
10.0 男孩遇见男孩
2021 剧情简介:Harry has been partying for 48 hours when he meets Johannes on the dance floor of a club in Berlin. With 15 hours until his flight home, Johannes offers to help him print his boarding pass. This mundane task leads to a day together wandering the city. The contrasts in their lives and values force each one to confront their own truths. Boys Meet Boys is a feature length mumbleco...