This woman who came from who knows where says she came from france. She was sitting on a bench in neighborhood park, diligently playing a ch ild's recorder. With no money or means of supporting herself, she was advised to teach French. In that way she became a teacher to two Korean women. She likes to walk barefoot on the ground and lie down on rocks. And when she is up to it, she tries to see each instant in a non-verbal way, and to live her life as factually as possible. But life remains as hard as ever. She relies on Makkeolli everyday for a small bit of comfort.
5.0 融掉低等生物
2.0 日末浮生
6.0 一个星期三的下午
10.0 失忆界女王
4.0 传世乐章
9.0 城南旧事
1983 剧情简介:本片根据林海音的同名短篇小说改编。 小女孩林英子(沈洁 饰)住在五十年前的北京南城,在他们家院子附近住着一个疯女人秀珍(张闽 饰),秀珍的丈夫因参与学生运动被杀,孩子也不知所踪,因此落下了疯病,时常把英子当做自己的孩子“小桂子”看待,英子也喜欢秀珍,答应帮她找回小桂子。英子有个苦命的小伙伴妞儿,学戏时常遭干爹打骂,英子偶然发现妞儿有小桂子的胎记,帮助她们母女相认。英子上小学后,一家人搬到了厂甸。在家门口荒废的院落里,英子发现了一个小偷(张丰毅 饰)藏赃的草堆,小偷为了供弟弟读书只得干不光彩的勾当,英子却不把他看作是坏人。不久,女佣苏妈返乡,父亲去世,英子的童年,彷佛一下结束了……