本剧70%素人出演。 讲述大妮和安妮这对来自河南兰考的亲姐妹一起跟随兰考县东乡副乡长蓝文明带领的采棉队奔赴新疆采摘棉花。在采棉过程中,发生的小黑羊事件、网络视频事件、走光事件、窝工事件、撞牛事件、火灾事件等一系列突发事件牢牢绊住了蓝文明。大妮忍辱负重,最后 终于成长为不怕事、敢创业的新农民,而安妮通过直播平台成为网红棉花妹妹,并终于领悟诚实劳动、安身立命的深意。 剧情诙谐幽默中不乏真情实感,生动反映了当代河南人民勤劳善良的朴实品质,塑造了当代农民敢于追求梦想、勤奋踏实、努力奋斗的新时代光辉形象。
8.0 复仇长官
3.0 辛巴达穿破猛虎眼
4.0 为爱叛逆3
4.0 娘子军
2018 动作简介:In Greta Thunberg’s wake, the young have commenced an unrelenting struggle to save our planet. At the front of these corteges, and making headlines in the media as well as on social networks, young women have become the movement’s figureheads, sometimes in spite of themselves. The film follows young activists around the globe Anuna and Adéla?de (Belgium), Luisa (Germany), Léna ... -
10.0 国家宝藏:夺宝秘笈
6.0 10·豪快者