区浩文(马浚伟)的养父母对他孤儿的身分从来没有隐瞒。若不是他的好友周仁(欧锦棠)发现有两名死者的出生年月日与区浩文相同,且样貌与他极相似,他也不会发现,自己原来是当年被遗弃的三胞胎之一。更甚者,其兄弟生前的女友竟然同为一人! 谜般的秘密接踵而来,区浩文开始追查起自己的身世。最顺理成章的,似乎是从他兄弟的女友宋天心(杨思琦)下手,怎料叫他摸不着头脑的事竟越来越多。 区浩文欲联络心,她的舅父马教授(于洋)却百般阻挠。区浩文其后不断收到恐吓,更多次遇袭;他誓不低头,就在他快要理出头绪时,更大的危险却冲着他而来!
4.0 幽闭空间
2015 恐怖简介:THE CONFINES is a claustrophobic thriller that follows a troubled young woman who, in a last-ditch effort at getting her life together, takes a job working nights as a security guard at an abandoned luxury apartment building. Stuck with a brusque rent-a-cop as her partner, she tries to not let her mind play tricks on her while she patrols the empty halls. But as the night progr... -
10.0 恐惧制造
2022 恐怖简介:Camila is a young member of an elite police unit. During an operation in a dangerous area, she turns up in the middle of a ritual, in which their members burnt themselves to death. She suffers severe burns all over her body and goes into a coma. In her long recovery, her friend Fatima, a criminal prosecutor, and her partner and ex-boyfriend ángel will help her. But Camila acts ... -
3.0 古堡守灵人
10.0 白井
1.0 破胆三次2
10.0 解剖