该剧改编自同名畅销小说。聚焦16世纪的英格兰,简· 格雷避开了刽子手的斧头,过着有趣而充实的生活,充满了浪漫和冒险。
3.0 穷友记第四季
2022 美国简介:Bigger, better and even more Brassic. Vinnie and the gang are returning for another series of Sky’s biggest original comedy. Whether it’s heisting horses, borrowing beehives, swindling snakes or embezzling weddings, there’s no deal too dodgy for ne’er-do-well Vinnie (Joe Gilgun) and his motley crew. -
7.0 国家宝藏:历史边缘
1.0 犯罪心理第十六季
9.0 侦探人生第三季
9.0 传奇第二季
5.0 警察世家第十三季