大崎娜娜(朴璐美 配音),心怀音乐梦的朋克女青年,曾在家乡和男友本城莲(木内秀信 配音)、好友高木泰(川原庆久 配音)、寺岛伸夫(关智一 配音)合组乐队Black Stones,后因莲被当红乐队Trapnest挖角到东京发展,二人被迫分手。时隔两年,娜娜也决定前往东京, ?找来泰和伸夫重整Black Stones旗鼓,誓要和莲的Trapnest一拼高下。小松奈奈(KAORI 配音),永远沉浸在恋爱梦中的不靠谱小镇姑娘,因男友远藤章司(高桥广树 配音)到东京求学备受异地恋煎熬,而今终于有机会移居东京陪伴章司。两个名字发音同为“nana”的女孩相遇在去往东京的新干线上,又十分凑巧地看重同一间“707”号公寓,二人决定合租。 两个性格迥然不同的女孩,加上两个竞争乐队的男孩们,从此生活、梦想、爱情、挫折就这样交织在一起,再也不可分……
9.0 挥别儿时阴影
2.0 猫无赦
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2.0 死亡不是终点
2025 剧情简介:Following the tragic death of his wife, Jon struggles with feelings of guilt when he starts an affair with the enigmatic Red. As he comes closer and closer to Red in a psychologically probing and mutually abusive relationship, Jon begins to question what exactly happened the night his wife killed herself. With the Stutter, a haunting echo seemingly everywhere around him blurrin... -
5.0 天龙八部之乔峰传(粤语版)
6.0 我仍在此2024