Laura is spending a few days at her beach house to supervise the construction of a barbecue shed. One afternoon, she seduces the chief builder, who never returns. Over the following days, the builders continually invade her home – until Laura grows ferocious.
5.0 狗咬狗骨粤语
3.0 爱情18克
4.0 法网情丝粤语
10.0 沉冤得雪粤语
4.0 暴行展览
1998 剧情简介:J.G. Ballard的小说...无语... Most Remarkable Film I Have Ever Seen While definitely not for everyone, this movie effectively captures J.G. Ballard's difficult novel of the same name. More visual than literal, The Atrocity Exhibition forces the viewer to re-think the art of film and of story telling. It effectively communicates in a new language that caused some who saw it to declare... -
10.0 汉宫英烈传粤语
1961 剧情简介:剧情简介: 梁朝金汉严禁通婚,宫女白玫瑰本与乐师崔成业相爱,却被元帝逼奸成孕,遭乱棍打死。业为与瑰女绿珠隐居,自残双足求去。二十年后,太后扶植外侄景帝登基,景帝抱负难申,出游解闷时与珠邂逅。业告知前事,亦难阻二人相恋。太后以汉女与帝相恋,治珠死罪,为汉族的赵大夫相救,留作朝庭内应,助汉齐王复国。汉军势如破竹,珠受命杀景帝,却因不忍下手,含屈自杀,得景帝以鲜血活命。业被二人深情感动,求得齐王免景帝死罪,与珠三人归隐桃林。 更多外文片名: Poisoned roses / Han gong ying lie zhuan 导演:珠玑 Ji Zhu 编剧:蓝菲 Fei Laam / 杨捷 Jie Yang 演员 Actor: 任剑辉 Kim Fai Yam ....梁景帝 罗艳卿 Yanqing Luo ....白玫瑰、崔绿珠 陈宝珠 Con...