

中日战争硝烟笼罩下的上海租界依然歌舞升平,纸醉金迷,成为唯一没有沉没的孤岛。然而,空前繁荣的背后,却是危机四伏、暗流涌动。百乐门舞厅的舞后茉莉在疯狂一夜之后,于次日被发现死于她的寓邸之中。   一大早,吴飞即被法捕房的探长陈书惊扰,告知舞女茉莉被杀。吴飞是租界里小有名气的私家侦探,曾协助陈书屡破大案、奇案。吴飞急速赶往案发现场,据初步调查,嫌犯锁定为百乐门的常客、茉莉的富商相好王中任。


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    简介:Netflix produces a feature focusing on one of the main characters of the successful German series How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast). Following the success of the series, production of a prequel feature film centred on the small-time crook Buba starring Bjarne M?del has been launched.


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